Old Folks Concert Troupe, Turner, 1886
Contributed by Turner Museum and Historical SocietyDescription
"Old Folks Concert Troupe" at the Turner Centennial Celebration on July 7, 1886.
In the photo are Horace True, in tall white hat at right, the conductor; Maurice Cary and Welcome Beals, fiddlers; Jairus Cary and Albert E. Bradford, bass viol; Mrs. J.P. Waterman, Mrs. H.A. Hildreth, Mrs. A.K. Bickford, Mrs. C.J. Fish, sang the air; Mrs. S.I. Decoster and Mrs. Leonard P. Bradford, counter; Lewis P. Bradford and Rev. A.N. Jones, tenor; J.P. Waterman and D.J. Briggs, bass.
Robert Sutton was the driver.
The choir played and sang old tunes as the float proceeded.
A 1905 newspaper account of the event noted that the picture, "represents the renowned 'Old Folks Concert' troupe whose members participated in the centennial parade with hayracks for their chariot of fame. Mr. True, in person, was ye singing-school master of the occasion.
"All ye men singers wore the old-time claw hammers and all ye women vocalists dressed themselves in the attic finery of their grandmothers. It was the actual article done into song. When 'Ye Old Oaken Bucket' was sung, there was ye bucket and ye well-sweep."
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