The Turner Museum and Historical Society operates a museum and maintains artifacts and others materials related to the town's history. It is located on the fourth floor of the Leavitt Institute Building, a former school.
Selected Turner Museum and Historical Society images:
Leavitt Institute Building, Turner Center, ca. 1896
Cattle Pound, Turner, 2009
Horace True Moody, Turner, 1922
Turner Grange #23, Turner Center, ca. 1910
Temperance Drill, North Turner, 1909
Snow Roller, Howe's Corner, Turner, ca. 1900
Auburn and Turner Railroad office, Turner, 1907
Charles M. Talbot, Turner, 1922
French Farm, Turner, ca. 1900
Old Folks Concert Troupe, Turner, 1886
Flood, South Turner, 1896
Frank Faulkner, Turner Woolen Mill, ca. 1900